Category: PHP

Numeric functions in php

is_numeric() The is_numeric function used to check that the value of a variable is a number or not. Syntax: is_numeric(var_name) Output: Value is a number...

String functions in php

implode() The implode function used to concatenate the array elements as a string with a separator. Syntax: implode(separator, array) Output: Apple,Boy,Cat,Dog explode() This function is...

How to print a numeric pattern

We can print this pattern in php. In this pattern we divide our program in two parts. In first part we are using two ‘for’...

How to print alphabet series in php

We can make alphabet pyramid series very easily using PHP. To print this pyramid pattern in php, we can use different types of method. In...

How to make a numeric Polygon in PHP ?

We get the output of a numeric polygon using php ‘Loops’ with logic. Here we use eight Loops for print this diamond patterns in php....

How to make a Star Polygon in PHP ?

We create a star polygon. Here we use eight ‘for’ loops. First and fifth are main and other are nested in these. First for loop...